What is the difference between a Newborn Care Specialist and a Postpartum Doula?
There are many people that make up the birth and postpartum team. When it comes to infant sleep there are a few types of providers you might come across. There are pediatric sleep consultants, postpartum doulas, and newborn care specialists. It can feel intimidating when it comes time to decide if a provider is something you need and which type of provider is the right fit.
Both postpartum doulas and newborn care specialists provide in home care and they both might provide overnight support.
Newborn Care Specialists are taught:
General Newborn Care
Lactation Education
Soothing-Sleep Conditioning
House Related Tasks/Cleaning/Prepping
Multiples Care
Preemie Care
Business Building
Newborn Parent Education
Postpartum Doulas are taught:
Emotional support
Physical comfort
Infant care
Informational support
Partner/father support
Support mother/father with infant
Support mother/father with sibling(s)
Household organization
If your focus is on getting rest in between nighttime feedings and having someone teach you newborn care then an NCS might be the best fit for you!
If you are considering investing in sleep support contact us to set up a free discovery call and chat about your family’s needs!